DATE CHANGE: We've moved the date of this event to July 23! Hope you can still make it!
Venturelounge is a way to dig into a topic totally interactively.
A facilitator will lead a discussion about a topic – anything related to tech/entrepreneurship/startups. This is not one of those one-sided events where someone talks at you. This is where all that class participation practice from college will come in handy. Share your own experiences, ask your questions, and learn a whole lot.
Topic: The 411 on iOS 8
Did you hear that Philly's own DuckDuckGo will be included as a built-in search option in Safari with iOS 8? What else is possible with the new OS? With the recent announcement of iOS 8 comes new features, impacts to businesses and cool opportunities. Come crowdsource what you've read and ask your questions to local developers who are animatedly absorbing all of the info.
Here are some of the potential discussion topics – come and decide where the conversation goes!
- How does iOS 8 impact existing apps?
- How does it affect cross platform apps?
- What kinds of businesses are impacted by it?
- Does iOS 8 open up new areas of opportunity?
- How does it affect advertising and data collection?
Facilitators: Ben Shive and Jason Wertz of Philadelphia Code Works